Virtual Reality is an engaging and active way of learning!

that safely brings student in the middle of any situation to explore, practice and learn about specific circumstances and environments

Travel to any new or well-known environment, instantly.

Go to fearful or restricted areas, from a safe surrounding.

Visit a room or building and get familiarized with the surroundings.

Re-experience an event or situation as if you were there.

100% Engagement

90% Retention rate

in-VR analytics and feedback

Train anywhere on any device

Virtual Reality changes the way we train!

100% Attention span and 90% retention rate

  • Recruitment: VR allows students to visualize themselves at a company and get an idea of what a day at the office is like.
  • Onboarding: The immersive VR experience could be used as a way to speed up employees’ familiarity with their new work environment and culture before they ever set foot inside the office.
  • Continued Learning of New Processes and Procedures: It allows learners to make mistakes during training without putting themselves at risk, using up materials, or putting expensive equipment at risk.
  • Safety training: VR is an easy way to instruct new employees about the safety precautions and equipment of a workplace and learn hands on how to use safety tools.
  • Temporary and flex workers can take a virtual tour and get familiarized with a building, learn the exits  and become aware of potential hazards.
  • New warehousemen can train the safety instructions before they get their first cup of coffee.
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Check out this TED talk from Chris Milk: How virtual reality can create the ultimate empathy machine.

VR the ultimate active learning machine.

“The technology is extremely effective for learning and exploration.” James Mayrose State University of New York College,Read his paper here.

We are entering an era that is unprecedented in human history ” Jeremy Bailenson, director of Stanford University’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab.

Retention rates for lecture style learning were at 5% and reading rates were at 10%, while the method of VRLearn had a retention rate of 75%. Read the report from Elliot Masie here.

USP’s when learning with Virtual Reality

  • Every trainee gets all the information they need
  • Everyone learns the safe way the same active way
  • Measure the progress, attention of the trainees and the ROI of your training programs
  • Trainees can train whenever they want, wherever they are, just using their smartphone
  • Limited time and staff resources


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We offer data-driven VR tours

Our VR-tools lets you create amazing and personal VR experiences, based on the choices and behavior of the visitors. With in-VR events you can create multiple storylines and create different training levels:

  • In-VR events makes the VR experience more personal
  • In-VR events let you create multiple storylines, based on behavior
  • In-VR data gives feedback to the visitor
  • In-VR analytics let you track and trace the engagement

We give you a easy way to create interactive VR-tours yourself.

Learn anytime you want, wherever you are

  • With our VR tools you can publish your VR experience to any platform instantly, no download needed.
  • Your trainees can use their own device and use your branded VR goggles from your websites or existing applications.
  • Tours can be shared on social media
  • On the other hand, it’s possible to secure a VR training with a Username and Password.
  • With our API you can integrate the training into your CMS/LMS or other platforms.


Follow the latest news about VR in training and education in our special news section.

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“All we’re doing is travelling without moving”


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