We would like to see you on VRdeck
As you know we have been working hard on a new VR platform VRdeck.nl as
Why use VRdeck?
Get started with
- Ask VRmaster to create a new account on
VRdeck via hello@vrmaster.co- VRmaser will help paid subscriptions to re-create their VR environment and redirect URLs.
- Otherwise, you have to upload the content yourself. If you don’t have the original images, just go to the scene and add /original to the
.url - Start creating your tours and scenes. Take a look at the videos at the right or visit our FAQ.
- Some functionalities are missing, but we are working on it:
- There is no landing page, so you have to send your visitors to a specific tour. You can create your own VR landing page if you like on your website and embed the VR experience
- 360° Video isn’t supported yet
- Mouse (pad) control of hotspot will be launched in the coming months
- No integration with Google analytics, but we offer In-VR analytics
Next Sprint Bug fixes and 360 video
We are planning the following improvements:
- Set behavior and timing hotspot
- Improve lay-out question hotspot so 4 lines are shown and more characters are possible in a line
- ad mouse control to
vrdeck on desktop starting point is used whenSetted tonavigate other scene
And support 36o· video
iframe style=”border: 0px #ffffff none;” src=”https://vrmaster.vrdeck.co/welcome/hotspots” name=”myiFrame” width=”100%px” height=”480px” frameborder=”1″ marginwidth=”0px” marginheight=”0px” scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”>
Please add <> at beginning and end
- You can manage tours, scenes, images and sound yourself
- Add multiple users to your VR environment and editor
- Copy existing tours and scenes
- Change orientation, the starting point when visiting a scene
- Add your own icons and placeholders/hotspots
- Make hotspot directly visible or react as a pop-up
- Add text with different
colour , sizeand position and stick it to the camera to move it along - Navigate between your tours and scenes and visa verso
- Replace a 360 image/background/sky and keep the hotspots
- Add a scene/welcome text
- Stick images to the camera to create special effects like smoke, flashlight or lens flare
- Add sound to a scene and/or to a hotspot
- Embed as a magic window, so you can look around in the environment, directly from your homepage (in an iframe)
- Use Firefox for best VR experience and optimal privacy. Chrome and Safari are supported as well
VRdeck supports Gear VR and Oculus Go- Keep track of the in-VR behaviour with in-VR analytics
When visitors enter an environment, actions are tracked like:
- Which hotspots they are looking at
- What choices they make
- Where they look with invisible tracking zones
- How long they where in a scene
Analyse output
Give feedback
- Some future functions are on our roadmap:
I hope you will take this next step into VR together with us.
Detlef La Grand | Founder VRmaster | detlef@vrmaster.co

Please read the VRdeck Privacy Policy, Community Guidelines and Terms of Service
We have five basic privacy principles:
- We only collect data to give you the best VR experience, use the Firefox browser for optimal privacy
- We do not sell your personal data to other companies
- You can view, change or delete your personal information, anytime you want
- You own the data and content provided to us
- You will need third parties hardware, software and internet services to use VRdeck. Those parties may collect your data otherwise so read their Privacy Policies.
Our five basic guidelines:
- Inspire and respect the privacy and feelings of others.
- If you would hesitate to show your VR content to a child, your family, or a stranger on the street, don’t use that content.
- Ask permission when you use somebodies portrait. Ask permission of parents or legal guardian’s when a person is 16 years or younger.
- Only use content that you have created or hold all necessary permissions from the copyright holders.
- Be nice!
Our five basic terms are:
- The content you provide to us will be yours and make sure it’s yours and be sure it’s harmless and non-abusive.
- To experience the best VR experience, use the Firefox browser.
- Update your device to the latest Operation System (OS).
- Use a stable internet connection with a minimal download speed of 2 Mbps. A 4G connection has a minimum download speed of 3.1 Mbps.
- VRdeck is not responsible for malfunctioning of the vrdeck.co Service due to errors in, or limitations of:
- the browser, the device operating system or the device hardware it runs on, or
- the local network and the Internet connection that is used.