by detlef la grand | May 1, 2018 | Blog, educatie, journalism, Marketing, nieuws, Tech, Training, zorg
Privacy in Virtual Reality, I spy on you with my little eye Privacy and technology always go hand in hand like water and fire. The more convenience a service is, the more we use it and the more the service party, get to know about the user. The examples are...
by detlef la grand | Mar 13, 2018 | Blog, educatie, journalism, Marketing, nieuws, Tech, Training, zorg
Privacy in Virtual Reality, ik zie ik zie wat jij ziet Privacy en technologie gaan altijd hand in hand. Privacy en technologie zijn als water en vuur. Hoe meer gemak we hebben van een dienst, hoe meer we het gebruiken en hoe meer de dienstverlenende partij, dus te...
by detlef la grand | Dec 1, 2017 | Marketing, nieuws
Ook al staan de feestdagen voor de deur, wereldwijd daalt de winkelomzet en stijgen de online aankopen. Dit doet geen goed aan een gezellig straatbeeld met winkelend publiek. Dat ziet ook de kledingwinkel America Today in Amsterdam graag anders. HvA-onderzoekers Anne...
by detlef la grand | Aug 28, 2017 | Marketing, nieuws
You’ve probably been in this situation before: you’re looking at a product online and you hesitate to buy because you’d rather see it in person first. Sound familiar? Wouldn’t it be convenient if that product could magically appear in front of you? Virtual reality...
by detlef la grand | Aug 26, 2017 | Marketing, nieuws, vrije-tijd
Enjoying a fine cocktail is a sensory experience. Sight, taste, smell, even touch and sound all play a part in one’s appreciation of a well-made cocktail. But what if I told you one bar has found a way to take that experience to the next level with virtual reality? At...
by detlef la grand | Aug 18, 2017 | Marketing, nieuws, vrije-tijd
Kendall Jenner invites Vogue into her closet to take a full 360°look at her glorious wardrobe. From vintage Hermès to wild thigh-highs, take a peek at everything in Kendall’s growing collection. Original Music by Samson the Truest: Buy...