Relumino a visual aid app for people with low vision.

Relumino a visual aid app for people with low vision. By running the Relumino app after connecting the mobile phone to the VR device, the world will be seen more clearly through the rear camera of the mobile phone. Read more at

UPS Enhances Driver Safety Training With Virtual Reality

UPS Enhances Driver Safety Training With Virtual Reality

Source: UPS UPS  said it will start training student delivery drivers to spot and identify road hazards using Virtual Reality (VR) headsets that vividly simulate the experience of driving on city streets while teaching a more memorable classroom lesson. The company...

Mars 2030 virtual reality simulation on HTC Vive

Mars 2030 virtual reality simulation on HTC Vive

MARS 2030 is a virtual reality simulation where players explore the Red Planet and make discoveries across 40 square kilometers of open Martian terrain, accurately-mapped and -modeled using NASA satellite data. Produced in partnership with NASA. Visit...

Join NOYS Virtual Reality closed beta (Oculus Rift)

Join NOYS Virtual Reality closed beta (Oculus Rift) NOYS VR is a universe full of fantasy worlds where you can meet each other and your favorite artists by using virtual reality. You can register for the closed beta phase here Musicians can make their dreams come true while...

Blocks: Easily create 3D models in Virtual Reality

Blocks: Easily create 3D models in Virtual Reality Blocks makes creating 3D models easy, powerful, and fun Shape Stroke Paint Modify Grab Erase With six tools you can create models as simple as a mug and as complex as a spaceship. Easily create beautiful 3D models in VR with Blocks. Make...

360 graden virtual reality beelden grote sterns op Griend

360 graden virtual reality beelden grote sterns op Griend Natuurmonumenten lanceert een uniek 360 graden filmpje in 3D van de broedende grote sterns op vogeleiland Griend. Het is de eerste keer dat op deze manier broedende vogels zijn gefilmd. Met de filmpjes kunnen mensen met hun...

in-VR analytics with Digimonks and VRmaster

in-VR analytics with Digimonks and VRmaster

In the original post, we used a screenshot of VRetinadVR. RetinadVR provide VR analytics in native VR applications build with Unity. Lees het Nederlandstalige artikel op website The Eindhoven companies DigiMonks and VRMaster join hands and set up the...

Virtual de ruimte in met Andre Kuipers

Virtual de ruimte in met Andre Kuipers

Albert Heijn en André Kuipers starten een landelijke spaaractie waarin kinderen spelenderwijs kennismaken met het thema ‘ruimtevaart’, met behulp van de nieuwste VR/AR-technieken. In de spaaractie stappen kinderen samen met ruimtevaarder André Kuipers virtueel de...

De verwarde man | Virtual Reality Project van KRO-NCRV

De verwarde man | Virtual Reality Project van KRO-NCRV Hoe is het om verward te zijn? Zo verward dat je in een zendmast klimt en urenlang weigert eruit te komen of dat je een ambulancemedewerker bijt die je probeert te helpen? In de media zijn talloze berichten te vinden over...

Konterball virtual reality ping pong

Konterball virtual reality ping pong Konterball is a 2-player virtual reality game, built for the web, using three.js, cannon.js and Konterball is made by wild in Vienna with the help of Fifth Music.Buy CelebrexBuy...

Ancient Jerusalem in Virtual Reality

Ancient Jerusalem in Virtual Reality This virtual reality app brings ancient Jerusalem to life. Get it now on Google Play: or on the App Store: CelebrexBuy IbuprofenBuy NaprelanAdvil Online

Earth Night Lights in Virtual Reality

Earth Night Lights in Virtual Reality

Source: NASA Satellite images of Earth at night — often referred to as "night lights" — have been a gee-whiz curiosity for the public and a tool for fundamental research for nearly 25 years. They have provided a broad, beautiful picture, showing how humans have shaped... Zyloprim Online

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