It’s interesting to see that the big Tech companies jumped into the VR/AR world with billions and billions. So here are some milestones and when you see the main VR/AR landscape you see that Apple, Facebook, Microsoft and Google are creating their own realities. Of course, VR was there already, but with the lack of computer power, it was hidden in labs. And Google Streetview, introduced in 2007, was also a first sign.
Palmer Luckey pledged a Kickstarter project in 2010
Oculus DK1 (Development Kit)
Oculus DK2
Introduction Samsung Gear VR
2014 when Facebook buys Oculus
Google introduced the Cardboard
VRmaster started with their first webvr platform VRapp
$540 million funding Magic Leap by Google
Release Oculus Rift Consumer Version with 6DOF controllers
HTC introduced the Vive Headset with 6DOF controllers and roomscale VR
Release Google Daydream with 3DOF controller
Microsoft introduced the Hololens
Aframe WebVR framework by Mozilla
Introduction Playstation VR by Sony
Manus VR gloves
3DOF controller Gear VR
ARcore by Google
Introduction Oculus Go
Introduction Magic Leap One
Introduction HTC Vive Pro
Or visit the interactive version here.
So you can free your mind in VR, but be aware that your mind is not always free!
Detlef La Grand, Founder VRmaster