Virtual Reality Hardware Radar Q1 2015 Update

Hot off the heels of our latest update of the ‘Face Race‘, we’ve just updated the VR Hardware Radar chart for Q1 2015.

The VR Hardware Radar plots companies developing a range of different hardware peripherals and equipment into one of the following categories:

  • HMD – With Mobile Device: A virtual reality head-mounted display using a third-party mobile device as the screen. Companies in this segment include DurovisSeebright,AltergazeVrizzmo and Samsung.
  • Controller – Hand Device / Glove / Body Unit: An input device using hands and/or body movement for tracking via sensors. PrioVRSTEMControl VR and Leap Motion are all included in this element of the market.
  • Controller – Haptics:  An input device for hands and body that also provides tactile feedback by force or vibration. The KOR-FX Gaming VestiMotion and the Reactive Grip are three of the products included here.
  • 3D Camera: A video or image recording device that captures 3D stereoscopic views.JauntGiroptic and Matterport are within this grouping.
  • End-to-End Platform: A company that provides HMD systems coupled with input devices and motion capture. This category brings together companies that are creating VR experiences encompassing HMDs, input devices, games and other elements. Survios and VRCade are two examples.
  • Misc: Products not fitting into other categories (obviously).

We assign companies according to their launch stage as they bring their products to market. And, as mentioned earlier, due to the speed of this market we’re now updating this tracking on a monthly basis. Launch stages are classified as follows:

  • Announced / Pending Funding: A prototype has been announced but the company/inventor has not yet secured funding.
  • In Development: A prototype has been publicly demonstrated and/or the company has funding (privately, via Kickstarter or from third-party funding including VC’s).
  • Pre-Order / Dev Kit Available: The product is in a stage of development beyond a prototype, has made limited versions available to developers and/or is taking pre-orders.
  • Consumer Version Available: The product is available for purchase by the general public.

Shown below is the Radar segment for head-mounted displays (HMDs). There are now several HMDs available for mobile devices, including Durovis Dive, Google Cardboard and Homido. Recent launches include the Samsung Gear VR and the Carl Zeiss VR One.

kzero vr hardware radar seg1 q1 2015

And the segment below shows input devices.kzero vr hardware radar seg2 q1 2015

The full report covering the VR hardware marketplace can be ordered here.

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