World leaders love virtual reality just as much as the rest of us. On Monday morning, April 25th, US President Barack Obama attended a trade fair in Hannover, Germany. While there, he and German Chancellor Angela Merkel got the opportunity to try out a virtual reality headset — to the pair’s obvious amusement.
We first saw these photos over on Gizmodo.
You can imagine how the conversation may have played out.
“Angela, have you tried these goggles? They are the shit.”

“Look, look Angela—there’s a virtual hand in front of my face!”
“No, Barack, you are confused. That is your own hand.”

“Oh. Dammit. Well, you should try them anyway.”
“… really?”

“Barack, Barack! There’s a hand in front of my face!”
[Quietly] “Shhh, lady just behind us, don’t tell her it’s my hand…”

“Hahahahahaha. Let’s all buy an Oculus Rift for our teleconferences.”